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hence in this study M20 cement concrete is considered in which the recycled plastic waste is used as the replacement of fine aggregate in the concrete. Concrete cube and beam were casted taking 10% to 25% of plastic as partial replacement of fine aggregate and tested for 28 days of compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete. 1.
ICMSC | December 13-15, 2017 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) TKM College of Engineering, Kollam (Kerala), India ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-7, Issue- ICMSC17, December 2017 Strength and Durability Studies of RCA based Binary Blended Concrete S. Krishna Priya Rao, A. Suchith Reddy, P. Rathish Kumar generally increases the rapid chloride ion permeability and
concrete and reported encouraging results with multiple benefits. The present study makes a critical review of some of these findings and gleans some common useful trends in the properties reported in these studies. The study also presents results of experimental work on bricks made of non-recyclable
Within India, Kerala produces 45% of it. Disposal of coconut shells poses environmental issues as it is not easily degradable. Aggregates made by crushing coconut shells can be effectively used in concrete by partially replacing coarse aggregate up to a certain amount.
Recycling of Brick Aggregate Concrete as Coarse Aggregate. The properties of recycled aggregate quotRecycling of Brick Aggregate Concrete as Coarse out for recycling of demolished brick aggregate concrete as coarse Published in Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 183 2014Authors T U Mohammed 183 Ariful Hasnat 183 Mohammad Abdul Awal 183 Shamim Z Bo About Ultimate tensile strength 183
The adversarial effects of construction and demolition (C&D) waste on the environment are on the increase. While materials such as metals, wood, glass and plastics are segregated
Three types of fibers such as Woolen fibers (WF), Glass fibers (GF), and Steel fibers (SF) were used in both normal and recycled aggregate concrete mixes. The workability, compressive strength, split tensile and flexural strengths, modulus of elasticity, density, water absorption and volume of voids, and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) properties of all the mixes were investigated.
journals on recycled aggregate concrete in kollam kerala india Malappuram Kerala India 12345B TechStudents Department of Civil Engineering Eranad Knowledge City Technical Campus Manjeri Malappuram Kerala India Abstract Pervious concrete pavement block is a unique and effective means to address important environmental issues and support green sustainable growth...
Recycled concrete aggregates are different from natural aggregates and concrete made from them has specific properties. The percentages of recycled concrete aggregates were varied and it was observed that properties such as compressive strength showed a decrease of up to 10% as the percentage of recycled concrete aggregates increased.
The adversarial effects of construction and demolition (C&D) waste on the environment are on the increase. While materials such as metals, wood, glass and plastics are segregated
“Predicting strength of recycled aggregate concrete using Artificial Neural Network, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and Multiple Linear Regression”, Faezehossadat Khademi, Sayed Mohammad Mehdi Jamal, Neela Deshpande, Shreenivas Londhe, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, Elsevier, 5(2), Dec 2016, 355-369
Compare the effect of recycled aggregate on the strength of pervious concrete before and after strengthening to improve the utilization rate of recycled aggregate in pervious concrete. Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review. Mar 29, 2013 · By collecting the used concrete and breaking it up, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is created (Fig. 1).
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 16, Number 4 (2021) TKM College of Engineering, Kollam-691005, Kerala, India . Abstract . Sustainable utilization of resources means using resources in such a way that future generations do not have to compensate and recycled [13]. 1.1 Present Scenario in Kerala .
Introduction. Concrete has become the most used man-made material in the world since its invention. The widespread use of this material has led to continuous developments such as ultra-high strength concrete and self-compacting concrete. Recycled Aggregate in Concrete: Use of Industrial, Construction and Demolition Waste focuses on the recent
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Recycling of Brick Aggregate Concrete as Coarse Aggregate. The properties of recycled aggregate quotRecycling of Brick Aggregate Concrete as Coarse out for recycling of demolished brick aggregate concrete as coarse Published in Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 183 2014Authors T U Mohammed 183 Ariful Hasnat 183 Mohammad Abdul Awal 183 Shamim Z Bo About Ultimate tensile strength 183
A Study On Recycled Aggregate As A Substitute To Natural Aggregate For Sustainable Development In India,GJRA
Use of recycled aggregates as replacement up to 50% of natural coarse and fine aggregates is been widely used by many researches in past few years. In the present study an attempt is made to study the behavior of steel fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete under shear by using 100% recycled concrete aggregates as coarse and fine aggregates.
Construction Waste Recycling Fixed construction waste treatment processing Mobile construction waste treatment processing; Stationary Crusher. Mobile Crushing Plant. Sand Maker & Washer Equipment. Conveying & Screening Equipment. Recycled Glass Aggregate Journal
concrete aggregate: A case study in Kerala, India Alan V Ittyeipe, Anu V Thomas and K P Ramaswamy-Identification of groundwater recharge potential zones in a study region of South Kerala Lini R Chandran, V Ardra, Y MuhammedIrfan et al.-Solar PV Microgrids Implementation model: A case study of Local Self Governments in the Indian State of Kerala
Yang, KH, Chung, HS, Ashour, AF (2008) Influence of Type and Replacement Level of Recycled Aggregates on Concrete Properties. ACI Materials Journal 105: 289 – 296 Google Scholar
Recycled concrete aggregates find application both in the production of concrete and masonry units [3, 4]. Researchers agree to the fact that as the replacement level of recycled coarse
With the opening of the Jatayu sculpture at Chadayamangalam in March 2018, India will be home to the world’s largest bird sculpture
Gangaram, V. Bhikshma, M. Janardhana "Strength And Durability Aspects Of Recycled Aggregate Concrete", eISSN:2319-1163, ISSN:2321-7308, Volume:04, Special Issue:13, ICISE-2015, Dec-2015. Manjunath M, Prakash K B. "Effect of replacement of natural aggregates by recycled aggregates derived from field demolished concrete on the workability and strength characteristics of concrete", ISSN:0976-4399
medical council of india (mci) valid publication as per february 2020 gazette upload your updates international indexed journal peer reviewed monthly print journal double reviewed refereed & referred international journal
Jayasree, S. and Akhil Raj S.R.“Strength and Behaviour of concrete containing admixed recycled aggregate”, ‘Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, Published by International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) ISSN : 2278-0181, August2014, pp. 154-161.
Company Description: DESINGANAD AGGREGATES AND SAND PRIVATE LIMITED is located in Kollam, Kerala, India and is part of the Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying Industry. DESINGANAD AGGREGATES AND SAND PRIVATE LIMITED has 18 total employees across all of its locations. (Employees figure is modelled).
RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE EXPOSED TO. recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) exposed to elevated temperature. Fly ash (as replacement of cement) was added while making concrete. Recycled aggregates are mixed with natural aggregates also to prepare concrete. Cubes and cylinder test specimens were prepared and cured under water for 28 days.
Recycled Aggregates Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) Crushed sound and clean waste concrete of at least 95% by weight of concrete with typical total contamination lower than 1% of the bulk mass. Class 1A RCA is a well graded RCA with no more than 0.5% brick content.