Figure 6 shows piw/ scale HPGR flake 011 tIle left (Hildell and Powell, .2008) alld all industrial HPGR (Ull7) productflake representing an operating gap 0/70 mm (Klymo"",ky, 2008) Table 2 lists several different roll sizes and the corresponding expected unit throughput and operating conditions with varying degrees of circulating load.
A HPGR model, able to give enough information based on pilot plant testing, in order to back up HPGR engineering studies, was developed. The model was based on the physical phenomena of the
“The dual chute pulping plant is ideally suited to de-conglomerating the HPGR cake product and is exceeding expectations in efficiency and effectiveness at over 600 t/h, which is a major relief on the existing overloaded pair of CTP scrubbers,” he said.
“Our order, which we secured only recently, also includes apron feeders, heavy duty scalping screens, jaw crushers, cone crushers, various classification screens, slurry pumps, hydrocyclones as well as a 1 200 tph HPGR (the largest in Africa), and washing equipment for two clay washing plants.
“Including HPGR in the plant’s processing design will have a positive impact on the project economics, both with capital and operating costs.” Standard Bank named Best Bank in Africa 09
SKF delivers record bearing for Polysius HPGR at Peruvian copper mine. Posted by Paul Moore on 23rd November 2017. SKF ‘s Gothenburg factory has produced the company’s largest sealed spherical roller bearing (SRB) to date. The ‘241/900’ SRB is 50% larger and three times heavier than the previous largest SKF sealed SRB.
operations (South Africa) are the first and large users of HPGR technology in new processing plants (Fig. 2). Four HPGR Polycom-24/17 manufactured by Thyssen-Krupp Resource, each equipped with two 2500 kW motors, came into operation in Cerro Verde mine in 2006 and have the longest service life by now. Mogalakwena began using one HPGR Polycom-22
The HPGR lends itself for inclusion in existing SABC circuits to increase the capacity of the plant and mills. With current PGM prices many operations are attracted to the HPGR technology benefits.
By 2020, or even sooner, the $9 billion solar power plant is expected to generate 580 megawatts (MW), enough electricity to power over a million homes. Perhaps more importantly, the solar farm, near the city of Ouarzazate – known as the gateway to the desert – could also be the doorway to a new era of cleaner energy production in Africa.
stage crushing with HPGR comminution circuits for the processing of precious or base metals hard ores. These hypothetical projects are assumed to be located in very distinct regions of the world. One project would be located in a very remote area subjected to harsh winters, with plant heating requirements, and relying on electricity from the
Figure 6 shows piw/ scale HPGR flake 011 tIle left (Hildell and Powell, .2008) alld all industrial HPGR (Ull7) productflake representing an operating gap 0/70 mm (Klymo"",ky, 2008) Table 2 lists several different roll sizes and the corresponding expected unit throughput and operating conditions with varying degrees of circulating load.
The HPGR technology
High Pressure Grinding Roll DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS Application Mineral Material Processing Material Iron Ore, limestone, etc. Capacity 98~2360 tph Roll diameter 800~2100mm Roll width 360~1800mm Total Power 2x160 ~ 2x2300 KW Features and benefits : Low energy consumption, 0.8~3.0 kwh/t High availability
When making their purchasing decision, mine managers need to consider both cap-ex and op-ex. In the first instance, an HPGR plant is generally in line with the cost of a conventional grinding plant, or it may carry a slight price premium. But on the op-ex, particularly over the life of the mine, HPGR is claimed to offer immediate savings.
South Africa, long known for tube mills (low-aspect semiautogenous mills), continues to contribute. High-pressure grinding roll (HPGR) installations are now well established in the hard-rock mining industry, including gold applications, and are now routinely considered as a comminution circuit option.
» The treatment of HPGR products and the handling of process recycle materials need to be evaluated With its HPGR pilot-plant locations and specialist staff spread strategically throughout the world, Köppern is in a unique position to advise and assist customers in assessing the suitability of HPGR for their mining process requirements.
Thyssenkrupp wants to push more into Sub Sahara Africa. Its three offices in the region, South Africa, Mozambique and more recently Zambia, assists it in delivering its products, technology and services to customers. The company’s offices in Ghana and Nigeria provide it with a strong foothold on the western and northern regions of the continent.
High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) High Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGR) is a mature technology that is proven to reduce capital and operating costs in full scale plants when compared to other comminution technologies. SGS comminution experts have developed a simple testing methodology to avoid some of the difficulties associated with using HPGR.
The plants are at the Mogalakwena operation of Anglo Platinum in Limpopo province S Africa. the main Concentrator plant primary gyratory accepts feed from an open pit operation
The thyssenkrupp HPGR Pro: fit for the future. With the release of the HPGR Pro, thyssenkrupp is taking crushing and grinding circuits to new levels of operational efficiency: higher throughput, improved product quality, and reliability with much lower production costs. MechChem Africa talks to Gerhard Van Wyk, the process manager for
The HPGR technology
High Pressure Grinding Roll DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS Application Mineral Material Processing Material Iron Ore, limestone, etc. Capacity 98~2360 tph Roll diameter 800~2100mm Roll width 360~1800mm Total Power 2x160 ~ 2x2300 KW Features and benefits : Low energy consumption, 0.8~3.0 kwh/t High availability
Including HPGR in the plant’s processing design will have a positive impact on the project economics, both with capital and operating costs,” revealed Prospects Resources Managing Director, Sam Hosack. Prospect Resources has projected a reduction in CAPEX by US$2.3million, 1.4 percent to US$163million while OPEX is expected to decrease by
The HPGR technology offers several options to reduce the water consumption within a plant. Dry finish grinding plants In addition to eliminating water requirements for the comminution process, higher reductions in plant operating costs can be achieved in cases where the HPGRs are utilised to finish the grind in conjunction with air separators.
6 ¦ MechChem Africa • November-December 2020 November-December 2020 • MechChem Africa ¦ 7 “F or decades, our high-pressure grinding roll (HPGR) has been the machine of choice for ef-ficient, high-pressure grind-ing and processing of ores. But our new thyssenkrupp HPGR Pro takes grinding to the next level,” begins Van Wyk. “Through a
It also features a fully functional training centre and one of the most comprehensive test plants for crushing, screening, and sensor sorting in Southern Africa. These test plants feature a range of crushers and HPGR equipment, as well as an X-ray sorter, induction sorter, colour sorter, 3D sorter, twin mass screen and an upcurrent classifier.
With its HPGR pilot plant facilities and specialist staff, Köppern is in a unique position to advise and assist customers in assessing the suitability of HPGR technology for their mining process requirements. Pilot plant HPGR tests are necessary to evaluate the ore performance and to assess process and energy efficiency.
6 ¦ MechChem Africa • November-December 2020 November-December 2020 • MechChem Africa ¦ 7 “F or decades, our high-pressure grinding roll (HPGR) has been the machine of choice for ef-ficient, high-pressure grind-ing and processing of ores. But our new thyssenkrupp HPGR Pro takes grinding to the next level,” begins Van Wyk. “Through a
operations (South Africa) are the first and large users of HPGR technology in new processing plants (Fig. 2). Four HPGR Polycom-24/17 manufactured by Thyssen-Krupp Resource, each equipped with two 2500 kW motors, came into operation in Cerro Verde mine in 2006 and have the longest service life by now. Mogalakwena began using one HPGR Polycom-22
Figure 6 shows piw/ scale HPGR flake 011 tIle left (Hildell and Powell, .2008) alld all industrial HPGR (Ull7) productflake representing an operating gap 0/70 mm (Klymo"",ky, 2008) Table 2 lists several different roll sizes and the corresponding expected unit throughput and operating conditions with varying degrees of circulating load.
The plants are at the Mogalakwena operation of Anglo Platinum in Limpopo province S Africa. the main Concentrator plant primary gyratory accepts feed from an open pit operation
The thyssenkrupp HPGR Pro: fit for the future. With the release of the HPGR Pro, thyssenkrupp is taking crushing and grinding circuits to new levels of operational efficiency: higher throughput, improved product quality, and reliability with much lower production costs. MechChem Africa talks to Gerhard Van Wyk, the process manager for
Up-grades and Optimization of Crushing and Griding Plants HPGR at Quaternary Stage Freeport • Reduction of Bond Work Index (BWI) • Reduction of energy consumption of ball mill • Increase of throughput capacity Quaternary HPGR 8 PTFI Grasberg 35.000 tpd copper/gold/silver ore 2 x POLYCOM 20/15 3.6 MW each 20 plant capacity increase in
“Including HPGR in the plant’s processing design will have a positive impact on the project economics, both with capital and operating costs.” Standard Bank named Best Bank in Africa 09